30 Weeks Pregnant and I Hate My Stupid Placenta
Hi my name is Crystal and I have placenta previa. So, for those of you who don't know what that is, it is when your placenta decides to make your life a living hell by planting itself into your uterus covering up your cervix. There are different grades of previa, and I happen to have the worst. Complete placenta previa. Supposedly like 90% of cases resolve on their own as the baby and uterus expands. So the odds should be in my favor right? Well they aren't. So far I have had at least 5 minor bleeds since about 14 weeks along. I have lost count so I am guessing 5. Two of them landed me in the ER for about 4 or 5 hours each time. Luckily the bleeding stopped and they let me leave. Each time I was grilled on whether or not I had sex or stuck something where the sun don't shine. Ummm...gee dr., you mean I can't keep my keys there any more? Well what about my cell phone? I have followed all the rules...complete "pelvic rest", no bending, twisting or lifting anything over like 10 lbs, and have not been on my feet for more than like 10 minutes at a time, and complete bed rest for a few days following my small bleeds. Geesh. Moms...stay away from Google!!! Yeah right. That is going to happen. Ok...moms...google the hell out of it, but take it in with a grain of salt. Most people that post online only share the bad parts. Just do what your doctor tells you and ask questions. I have my good days where I am all positive and happy, and then there are the days that I feel all doomy and depressed about it and that is usually when I start googling. Not a good combo. After the first 2 bleeds and the talks my dr had with me about viability, I started really freaking out, so I started setting goals for myself in weeks. Even though I could not determine or help myself reach these goals, just getting there made me feel some relief. My first was to reach viability, which my hospital says is 24 weeks. I was so happy to meet that one. The next was 28 weeks when survival rate goes to 90+%, then it was to make it to my own baby shower, which happened to be 2 days ago. Yes! My next goal is 35 weeks. My hospital is supposedly equipped to care for 35 weekers and beyond, anything earlier and we will be shipped off to the nearest hospital available with a NICU. My ultimate goal is to go all the way to 39 weeks (my scheduled c-section) without any complications. Wish me luck!! Fellow previa moms feel free to send a message!
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